Ernie Guenther Memorial Scholarship

Mission Statement

The Ernie Guenther Memorial Fund (EGMF) Committee of the Milwaukee Chapter of ASM-International promotes participation, growth and professional development in the field of Material Science and Engineering within the State of Wisconsin.



The year 1974 saw the establishment of the “Ernie Guenther Memorial Scholarship Fund”, an ASM-
Milwaukee Chapter project of great promise and far-reaching significance. The purpose of this Fund is to provide a mechanism whereby the Milwaukee Chapter of ASM International can solicit and receive charitable contributions from Chapter Members and other donors; and secondly, to divert, for educational purposes, excess funds that accrue as a result of the normal annual business activities of the ASM-Milwaukee Chapter. The funds so solicited or accrued are to be used to establish a Memorial Scholarship Fund for the benefit of students enrolled in schools in and encompassed by the region serviced by the Milwaukee Chapter of ASM International.



The ASM-Milwaukee Chapter Executive Board envisioned a Memorial Scholarship Fund that would grow to the point that all benefits provided to deserving students would be derived from the income from the Fund. The Executive Board also envisioned the Scholarships being administered by a committee separate and distinct from any ensuing ASM-Milwaukee Chapter Executive Board. The committee mentioned would serve as and become the Ernie Guenther Memorial Scholarship Fund Committee.



The first ASM-Milwaukee Chapter EGMF scholarship was awarded in the Fall of 1975.  It is the hope of the ASM-Milwaukee Chapter and the Scholarship Committee that this Scholarship Program will be an on-going function of the Milwaukee Chapter for many years to come.


The Future

In addition to scholarships to deserving students in the materials/metals field, the Scholarship Committee is interested in initiating an effort to acquaint high school students with the world of metals and materials. Future activities include growing the Teacher’s Grant program for Wisconsin High School Teachers for the development and sharing of lesson plans which pertain to metals and materials education. Support of high school education will allow local students the opportunity to experience the wonders of science and technology, and may result in future career interests in science, math and materials engineering.



The Ernie Guenther Memorial Scholarship Fund is a project of which the Milwaukee Chapter of ASM International can be justly proud. It gives purpose to our work and promotes our profession. Contributions are needed, and are fully tax deductible.


EGMF Scholarship Committee

The Ernie Guenther Memorial Scholarship Fund Committee consists of the current Executive Board member of the ASM-Milwaukee Chapter who is in charge of education activities, past members of the Executive Board of the ASM-Milwaukee Chapter, an ASM-Milwaukee Chapter member who is connected with the academic profession in an administrative way, and an academician not necessarily an ASM International member, who works with and is intimately familiar with high school career guidance.  The current EGMF committee members are:

Rachel Dressler, Chair (Komatsu)
Susan Kerber (Material Interface, Inc.)
Ben Church (UW-Milwaukee)
Allison Arndt (Caterpillar)

Raymond Fournelle (Marquette University)
Adam Hustad (Element)

Your help and support is greatly needed to keep this program alive and to allow further growth
and outreach into Wisconsin high schools.

If you are interested in donating to the
ASM-Milwaukee Chapter Ernie Guenther Memorial Scholarship Fund please contact:

Rachel Dressler, EGMF Committee Chair
ASM – Milwaukee Chapter
C/O Komatsu
401 E Greenfield Ave
Milwaukee WI 53204-2941
(262) 281-0615